Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rags to Riches

 Cinderella is one of the so-called “rise tales”, which features a narrative arc of “rags to riches through magic and marriage” (Ruth Bottigheimer). For our class we have read a few stories that are related to this theme. They are comprised of an individual who is living in a bad situation and are troubled, later being introduced to magic and go through a social and economic transformation. Many times the main character ends up meeting and marrying a hero who is from a higher class and provides the character with a better standard of living. I do agree that in real life someone can go through a “rags to riches” transformation, although it is rare. These situations are not ones ignited by magic or happen instantly and spontaneously. In reality these stories are fueled by the desire to better oneself and through the use of hard work and perseverance. These situations also normally only include earning a substantial amount of money. It is possible and seen when an individual marries someone else who is rich, and in these situations they marry into money.

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